Vector Drawings

Every wonder how digital artists do it? How in the world do they create digital drawings that are uncanny depictions of real life photographs? It has to be a trick right? A filter? And... Isn't that cheating?

Today, we are going to turn your selfie from yesterday into an original digital cartoon; or a vector graphic.

Vector graphics are a form of computer graphics that are the set of mechanisms for creating visual images directly from geometric shapes defined on a Cartesian plane, such as points, lines, curves, and polygons. The practice is necessary for creating digital scales for 3D models, creating graphic design software, animation projects, and lastly... it's pretty fun.

From cell phone selfie to digital avatar; no it is not a filter!

This digital drawing of my selfie was completed using a series of vector curves to trace the original image. Each curve was then turned into a fillable object, and each object was colorized to resemble the original image.

The resulting drawing can be used as an application icon, website logo, or even as a basis for animation. (Hint: coming soon!) Best of all because it was created using vector curves, the image has all the coding embedded in it to be used on literally any platform. The better you get using the vector system, the more places your work can be used.

1. Activity: Download and install inkscape

Click on the button above and elect to download the 32 bit version for windows. Install the software onto your school issued laptop using recommended settings. You will also need to register the software using your school email address.

See your teacher for assistance.

Unit Vocabulary

Bezier Curve: a mathematical curve that is often used in computer graphics to model fluid shapes and in animation

Node: a point at which pathways intersect; a central or connecting point. Use nodes to control the curvature and slope of your lines.

Layers: the different levels at which one can place an object or image file. In the program, layers can be stacked, merged, or defined.

Path: a vector-based object made up of anchor points and line segments. Paths can be converted into selections, and can also be used to create shapes.

Freehand: a style of drawing made without the use of guiding or measuring instruments, as distinguished from mechanical or geometrical drawing.

Once you get comfortable experimenting with making shapes using the bezier tool, go ahead and open your selfie in inkscape. We are going to turn it into a vector drawing using only the bezier tool and a few tricks of the trade.

2. Independent Tutorial:

We are using the Inkscape software together in class. If you are viewing this lesson outside of class time, or if you need a little extra help, check out this youtube tutorial on creating a simple Vector portrait like the example.

The video makes it look easy! Don't be fooled. While Vector drawings may seem simple there is definitely a learning curve.

Your objective for DAY ONE is to download the software and practice using the Bezier curve tool circled below.

Learning a new skill takes time. You won't be a master immediately.

Your drawing will likely take 3-4 classes to complete. Even this simple vector drawing of Banjo could take a new user 2 hours to perfect. Do not get frustrated! Your first image will likely take the longest and also be the most simple.

The more you practice using the bezier tool, the better you will be at transforming your original photographs into mixed media works of art!

coming soon: animated gifs of your vector drawing